Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Painting Pots

Yesterday was a busy day in the garden, so today I had a quite time relaxing and painting terracotta pots. A friend and myself are going to do a plant boot sale in a couple of weeks time and I suggested we paint pots to sell as well. So out came all my stencil brushes and paints from years ago when I did an interior design course at our local college. I am so glad I kept all my arty stuff. I even found some of my own hand cut and designed stencils.

Here are some of the pots, I have lots more to do yet and I have to finish stencilling them or even freehand painting on some perhaps.  It was a relaxing afternoon in the garden with my friend.

This stencil is actually upside down (on purpose) it is a bow with little hearts hanging from it, but I decided to use it like a flower. I might do it the right way up on another pot.

It was starting to get a bit dark when I decided to take these photo's so I will take some more when I finish stencilling and will take the next photo's during the daylight.

We have been planning the sale since last year as I have grown so many herbs and also divided all the ones I already had, so my garden looks like a garden centre at the moment.  I wont be sorry to see the back of them ! I also have a lot of self seeded garden plants and Frances divided her day lillies and we potted them up last year and they are amazing now, large and healthy plants in big pots. I think we have about 25 of the
day lillies. We are both plant fanatics and love growing all sorts of things.

I usually give away all my extra tomatoes,chillies, cucumber and courgette plants, but this year I grew more to sell, so the greenhouse on the allotment is full. Again it will be good when they are sold as I need the room for my own plants.

Hasn't the weather been amazing ?? although I have to confess it's far too hot for me, today was unbearable in my garden which is south facing, so I painted the pot beneath the umbrella.

Enjoy the sunshine
M x