I've been rather preoccupied lately as I have a space in my friends Vintage shop. its been exciting but busy. I work one day a week in the shop in exchange for my space which measures 6 x 5 feet. that's not very big I know! but I utilise every inch with my painted furniture, crafts and bric a brac and I'm loving it.
Here is a link to my Facebook page, so if you have a Facebook account please do visit my page and let me know what you think. Please LIKE and share the link, thanks !
I hope you manage to access the link. in the meantime here are a couple of photo's from my little space.
Everything here hand painted and all crafts made by me, bric a brac sourced from car boots, charity shops, gumtree etc.
See I've been very busy, lots more on the go as well.
I would love your feedback.
M xxxx
Extra Steps
3 hours ago