Friday, 1 October 2010

Wet Felting

I said I would do this post on wet felting in answer to a question  from Lou who ask me what did I do with the felt I made ? so here is my felt and the items I have been making. Originally this venture into wet felting was going to be a joint learning project with Kella, but she is a busy woman, so I have just got on and taught myself bits here and there.  The summer months stopped me doing any felting as the allotment and garden took over my life as it does !! so now I look forward to doing my crafts once again in the coming months.

By the way is anyone else finding that Blogger is sooooo slow today ? I am typing away and nothing appears and then suddenly blogger catches up. Also it took almost an hour to upload these photo's it's very frustrating !!!!

Starting with all these lovely wool-tops I then go on to make the felt, usually I like to marble
colours together, especially bright colours.

A little bag in the making

some felt I made

Flowers ready for brooches or bags


A small purse in production

I love zingy colours together.


  1. Hello, as I thought it would be...BEAUTIFUL!!! I just love working with felt, I always feel so relaxed when I’m working with it. I love everything you have made. I can’t wait to see more.

    Lou xxx

  2. Hi Lou, thank you so much for the comment. I agree it is good working with felt, one day I will try and make something larger. I love the wall hanging you made.
